Breslev Customs and Practices
Much has been lost; but with Hashem’s mercy, much has survived. Aside from what we have in writing from Reb Nosson the Rebbe’s scribe and foremost disciple, sources for the...
Much has been lost; but with Hashem’s mercy, much has survived. Aside from what we have in writing from Reb Nosson the Rebbe’s scribe and foremost disciple, sources for the...
Rebbe Nachman once said: "At the beginning of every day, I surrender my every movement to God, as well as those of my children and all those who depend on me...
Breslev Customs for 20-Sivan through 9-Av (Fast of 17th of Tammuz, Three Weeks, Nine Days, and Tisha B'Av).
Rebbe Nachman states that the mikveh is a "cure for all troubles" and that it can purify one from every type of sin and impurity. He adds...
Rebbe Nachman told his followers that it is beneficial to declare before davening: "I hereby bind myself to all the tzaddikim of the generation"...
Rebbe Nachman stated that giving tzedakah brings a spirit of peace and love into the world in abundant measure. What are Breslev customs regarding tzedakah?
Rabbi Elazar Kenig first holds the talit slightly over his head in preparation to wrap himself in it; he recites the berakhah; covers his upper body and head to the level of...
When the 'inyan of techelet began to be debated during the late 1800s, due to the efforts of of Rabbi Gershon Henich Leiner, the Radzyner Rebbe, to restore this mitzvah...
Rabbi Gedaliah Kenig preferred that the sofer not use the new "peh." He felt that the words of the Mishnah Berurah on this inyan are commonly misunderstood...
Reb Ephraim b’Reb Naftoli discusses the widespread custom of reciting “Le-shem yichud...” prior to reciting the blessing over the Tefillin. He also...
Reb Levi Yitzchok Bender stated that in Uman, the Breslover Chassidim were particular not to remove the Tefillin of Rashi until after reciting Aleinu, in keeping with the...
Someone once asked Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz, “Why do you trouble yourself to carry such a heavy burden when you could leave it in shul?” Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz replied...
…the Rebbe once remarked, "If I had been born into a family that davenned according to Nusach Ashkenaz, I would daven...
The Rebbe charged his Chassidim to daven loudly and enthusiastically, "like the Chassidim of old."
…in a time of distress, national or personal, it is proper to gaze upward in tefillah…
"The Baal ha-Tanya wasn’t a posek? The Vilna Gaon wasn’t a posek? One could follow them also. The only chumrot we have in Breslov are concerning loshon hora and shemirat ha-brit."